Tourist information > Admission fees

Main information:

Admission fees 2025

Picture: Media station in the Residence Museum

Residence Museum
10 euros regular · 9 euros reduced

10 euros regular · 9 euros reduced

Combination ticket
Residence Museum + Treasury
15 euros regular · 13 euros reduced

Cuvilliés Theatre
(Entrance between Fountain Courtyard and Apothecary Courtyard)
5 euros regular / 4 euros reduced

Combination ticket
Residence Museum + Treasury + Cuvilliés Theatre
20 euros regular · 16 euros reduced

Court Garden + Fountain machinery: Admission free



Tickets for the Munich Residence can be obtained from the cash desk of the Residenz. Tickets can be paid for in cash or by card (EC/ EUROCARD/ MasterCard/ VISA). Tickets for the Cuvilliés Theatre and the combination ticket (Residence Museum + Treasury + Cuvilliés Theatre) can be purchased at the cash desk in the Cuvilliés Theatre. We regret that it is not possible to order entrance tickets online, pay with a voucher or be invoiced.

Tip: If there are large numbers of visitors, we recommend buying the combination ticket at the cash desk of the Cuvilliés Theatre to avoid long waiting times.


Information for groups

At the Munich Residence no reservation is required for groups. The maximum size of groups is limited to 25 persons. Please note that groups of more than 25 persons must be shared and that each part of the group must have its own tour guide.

Free and reduced entrance

Children under 18 are admitted free of charge.

Picture: Armchair, Georges Jacob, Paris 1781/82

Parents or adult supervisors have the sole duty of supervision for underage children and adolescents (up to the age of 18) and may be liable to pay compensation for the behaviour of minors in accordance with the legal requirements if they breach their duty of supervision. Likewise, accompanying teachers and group leaders are responsible for the behaviour of minors in their care. Children under 14 years of age may only enter the objects of the Bavarian Palace Department if accompanied by an adult supervisor.

Students over 18 from general schools, vocational schools, special schools and schools for sick children in accordance with Article 6 (2) of the Bavarian Education Law (BayEUG) are also admitted free on production of a student identity card.

Students from “second chance” schools (evening schools leading to intermediate or higher secondary school qualifications, colleges) in accordance with Article 6 (2) No. 1e of the Bavarian Education Law and language school students are not admitted free of charge.

Further details about reduced admission fees, free entrance etc you will find in our general information.

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