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Picture: Crown of the kings of Bavaria

Crown of the kings of Bavaria

On 1 January 1806 Elector Maximilian Joseph IV of Bavaria was proclaimed King Maximilian Joseph I of Bavaria. Royal insignia were immediately commissioned from craftsmen in Paris: a crown, sceptre, sword and belt, imperial orb and seal container for the king, and a crown for the queen. Among the artists at Napoleon's court who worked on the insignia was the leading goldsmith of the day, Martin-Guillaume Biennais.

The insignia were duly delivered to Munich, but political events precluded a coronation ceremony. In fact, no king of Bavaria was ever to wear the crown in public. On occasions such as the accession of a ruler to his throne and his lying in state the insignia were presented on special cushions.


Crown of the kings of Bavaria
Gold, silver, diamonds, imitation blue diamond, rubies, emeralds
Marie-Étienne Nitot (jeweller) and Jean-Baptiste Leblond (goldsmith), Paris 1806-07
Photo: Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung

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